All Creatures Healing
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Does your horse buck?

Does your have a stiff neck?

Does your horse have a sore back?

Does your horse try to bite you when doing up the girth?

Does your horse not pick up the correct canter lead?

These are only some of the problems, that a treatment from ACH can help your horse with.

These are some of the therapies that are used to bring your horse back into to balance.

Bowen therapy

Bowen therapy is a series of cross-fibre moves on the fascia that have a gentle but deep effect on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. These moves facilitate the healing process and improve injuries, both acute and chronic. Bowen therapy encourages better circulation and hydration of the connective tissue, which eliminates toxins and encourages repair. Bowen Therapy can restore the balance of energy in a body and regulate the tissue physiology, allowing the body to heal naturally.

Equine CranioSacral

Uses extremely light finger pressure on specific points to rebalance the energy systems in the body. When applied correctly, this gentle and subtle technique can be highly effective in addressing a number of conditions in the horse.

Myopractic - Muscular skeletal Therapy

Myopractic comes from the two Latin words "Myo" meaning muscle and "practikos" meaning efficiency (through the repeated application of). So it describes a person who uses muscle techniques to treat body diseases and disorders. It uses many of the body skeletal assessment procedures of chiropractic and osteopathy and both unique as well as established soft tissue assessment procedures of other bodyworkers. Myopractic's treatment procedures are confined to the soft tissues of the body to bring about positive changes in the body's alignment.

ACH is developing the use of Myopratic on horses. Taking the assessment techniques used in human treatments and using them to make a more specific treatment for the horse.

Neuro-muscular stimulation

Neuro-muscular stimulation therapy helps to release and dissipate tight muscles by activating nerves and contracting muscles. Very affective when muscles are not releasing through normal bodywork.

Natural equine training and rehabilitation

A natural horsemanship programme can be developed and tailored for any horse and its circumstances. By connecting with the horse's needs and natural talent, All Creatures Healing aims to give a horse the best start to its riding life or help it overcome blocks to its emotional, mental or physical development ‘the natural way'.  

Flower Essences

Flower essences work on the mind, body and spirit and are obtained by extracting the healing vibrational quality from the most evolved part of a plant - its flowers. They work on an emotional level shifting negative feelings and belief patterns, held in the subconscious mind. Essences can be easily used for a variety of physical and emotional difficulties in your body.

Post treatment Care

Animals also have a variety of responses to treatment. For example, allowing horses to rest after treatment is as important as the actual treatment! For optimum results, we recommend at least 2 days off ridden work with plenty of stretches. We can recommend stretch and exercise routines for your horse's recovery. A list of post treatment procedures will be provided at the end of a consultation for all animals.